Base Two

Fly Netjets


With its wide range of highly personalized, upscale flight services, NetJets offers luxury clients the moon. One indulgence was missing, though: a sleek mobile app that lets them book flights, access high-speed internet from midair, and even control cabin temperature at the touch of a button.

  • The ask

    When NetJets’ call center became overloaded with booking traffic, they realized a user-friendly app could reduce congestion and give customers more control over their flying experience. To lift the idea off the ground, the private jet charter company hired Base Two.

  • The solution

    Although NetJets had an existing mobile app, it was only compatible with iOS and didn’t serve much functional purpose. In less time and with a smaller budget than the original iOS build, our team created a new app that catered to both Android and iPhone users. The result was Fly NetJets, a React Native app that makes flight bookings easy and elegant.

netjets phone app

Fly NetJets lets clients manage their accounts, book upcoming trips, and fully control their in‑flight experience. Behind the scenes, a number of systems communicate to make this all possible, from a shared data layer supporting mobile and web interfaces to constantly changing updates on aircraft availability.

Since its launch in 2019, the app has allowed countless NetJets clients to fly with first-class comforts and book their trip in ultimate luxury, delivering on the company’s promise of high-end services and peace of mind.
  • Increased

    app relevance

    Recent increase in Fly NetJets downloads

  • 4.1

    star rating

    Rated 4.1 stars on the Apple App Store by users

  • Expedited

    booking process

    Reducing bottlenecks at the NetJets call center

  • Valuable


    Fly NetJets laid the groundwork for ongoing collaboration with the company, including an expansion of app features